Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Weary beach won't take,
shattered love stories.
Its fading waves won't break,
their existing realities.
No more...

Photographer: Jon Broschi.


iliveinq8 said...

Oh great waves
take my mistakes
take it all
take what it's fake
No more....

antihero said...

Now that's a wonderful image you're drawing there. however your rhyme is unreasonable; and I'm being nice here.
You actually used rhyme for no reason but to use rhyme. You're not writing heroic couplets, your emphasis on rhyme would take the focus off the beautiful meanings you're trying to convey.

Good choice of words. It sounds like prose, but there was the type of inner music that cannot be easily detected; music derived from the meanings.

Keep it rainin' ;)

Reem said...

*hey i_live_in_q8, that's exactly what the sea and its waves don't want.. no more mistakes from ppl, no more sad stories, nothing more... ppl should try n solve their problems on their own.. the sea can't take it anymore :)
thanks for ur sweet words boy ;D

*hey sweet cupcake, antihero :) thanks a lot, hmmm i think i really need a lesson in rhyme and rythem and all those dudes... so since u mentioned it, u r stock with me babe boy, u're going to teach me, i'm afraid so :p

EaGleT said...

sea waves, by its nature, is so powerful and very careing. it would be able to carry a healthy ship to shore in one piece.

But if the ship cant handle the rough nature of sea, it will break up and the ship debris are indeed scattered on many shores.

Waves never forget anythin, yet it has only been selective

beautiful use of metaphor :)

Reem said...

thak you dear for ur sweet words.. but maybe it's time for ppl to let the sea enjoy being sea, instead of being a big pain in his *** all the time ;P
thank you sweety :D

No3iK said...

i hate the sea!