Tuesday, October 23, 2007


going back in time,
I found that unbearable silence..
was it my fault? my crime?
to be just me?

here.. please hold my world..
for I just want to crumble and cry..
I want that tear, rigid and cold..
to crawl on your cheek and die...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

you are in the place between, my smiles and tears..
on the line that separated, happiness and fears…

on that wall… I drew my soul..
for the waves to wash away,
and for you to ignore…

there's nothing I can do...

Friday, October 05, 2007


I licked the yellow line,
separating the lanes of my life…
for they are truly mine,
to die among…

my lanes.. my life.. I live and die.. and live again.. in my lanes..