Tuesday, October 16, 2007

you are in the place between, my smiles and tears..
on the line that separated, happiness and fears…

on that wall… I drew my soul..
for the waves to wash away,
and for you to ignore…

there's nothing I can do...


Anonymous said...

hmmm, sounds like there is something you can do :)

eshda3wa said...

theres ALWAYS something u can do even by not doing it

Anonymous said...

sometimes not doing something is actually doing something..forget it il confuse u more hehe

Reem said...

*joel! hmm maybe, will try :)

*eshda3wa!! well yeah.. but when u do the smth u have to do n it doesn't work.. khala9 :*

*fantasia!! velcome velcome! ee i agree, smtimes just waiting for smth to happen is the right thing! thanks for ur comment sweety :*

Sene said...

Waiting for something to be done....Not waiting for something to be done...Well, even I ahve got confused. Better, leave it..

Reem said...

*sene!! yeah dear :s im confused too ;p
thanks :*

Deema said...

i never thought of the ground as a wall, i should consider that ..
what is it about the line??

Palm Tree Hugger said...

II`m addicted to the beautiful days...
And beautiful smiles...
This is my life...

When i see the sun i'm feeling so high...
I`m addicted to life... you should better try

lyrics from a song

You have an amazing way of expressing yourself and i would love to see your inner thoughts lighten up.. you're only speeding up the greying of your hair ;P