Saturday, October 21, 2006

There's Light

I wake up, and I wake up...
it's still a dream?
As hard as I can, I scream..
yet I can't hear myself..

I try to open the door..
It's locked?
I stretch my fingures underneath it,
there's light...
it's warmly warm.

Potograph from:


Dr.Lost said...


stop confusin me.. where's the translation ?? ;p

Reem said...

loool.. the locked door is like binding of freedom, the light under it is hope.. the dream at the beginning shows how she can't believe her reality and thinks it is a horrible dream, a nighmare :)
thanks sweety

felicityq8 said...

hey reem,

great poem

liked the hoplessness in the first stanza and the freedom -light in the second one
i have been reading ur poems and i admire the special sense u have :)

keep it up sis ,, and good luck

Reem said...

*hey felicity... thanks my dear for sweet words :D
i love hope, no matter what one must have hope, and dreams :)
thanks and good luck to u 2

*hey esraa... dear soso, life doesnt suck all the time, mskeena life, ppl suck :D mo?
thanks sweety, i love ur words too ;)