Tuesday, June 12, 2007

still smile

today, that lake decided to dry,
leaving behind its hidden memories…
and I, not knowing why, stepped on them…

lonely and hurt… they silently cry..
in their tears I saw your face…
I touched it and smiled… remembering why.

I remembered why I still smile.. your love is in the air, you soul is still around, your smile still here. I love you :*


Hamad said...

I didn't know I was that special!!
Just kidding :P

It was enjoyably beautiful to read :)

words clearly from your heart, as always :)

I'm sure the person you wrote this to/about loves you just the same if not more :) an undeniable fact if you ask me :)

Deema said...

you are amazing ! i wanna be your friend! i write poetry and i like rain and coffee as well :)i rarely find poetry with such ..grace! your words gets easily to the heart..you are like a dancer with words.
i wish to show you what i have too, but i think i'm more of a painter with words ;)

shoosha said...

amazing mashalla

do0da said...

i didnt knw lakes liked pufak too :p

Reem said...

*raven! loool thanks! it's for daddy, he loves me i'm sure :*

*deema! awwww how sweet! im blushing :) thank you soooo much for ur sweet words, i'm very flattered! thanks!

*shoosha. thanks ;)

*do0da!!! LOOOOOL shako!! ya allah y3ni '39b mathalan!

Hitman1 said...

Bravo.... *claps*

phoenix said...

Touching.. Every well said ;)

Common_Sense said...

nice wala .. I though its just a lake, bs lama tansheef ye6laa3 menhaa wayed :p

I liked :)

Reem said...

*hitman1.. awww!! thank you sir thanks you :D

*phoenix.. thanks ;)

*common_sense.. heheheheh 7elwa 3jbtni ;p i'm glad u liked it :D