Friday, October 05, 2007


I licked the yellow line,
separating the lanes of my life…
for they are truly mine,
to die among…

my lanes.. my life.. I live and die.. and live again.. in my lanes..


eshda3wa said...

you get to determine where ur lanes go!
make em big wide and adventurous!

Deema said...

i salute the whole you ..

you know that a lane is directive in its essence, so how can i say it is a posession?

Sene said...

You are the one who knows where to go...God willing it may turn good for you!!

Reem said...

*eshda3wa!! inshallah i will make'em wide to dance and sway between them.. thanks :*

*deema!! 7bebty! thanks :* u mean y3ni the lane?

*sene! thanks for u sweet wish my dear :*

Hitman1 said...

3eedich Embarak :)

Reem said...

hitman1!!! ayamek s3eeda ;p

antihero said...

hey you

you should read this... it inspires.
And you still got the music

Reem said...

antihero!! thanks sweety!! i will inshallah :*